How To Change a Furnace Filter

February 11, 2020

You should change your home’s furnace filter at least once every three months for proper maintenance and efficiency. This is especially important if you have a full household or are the owner of pets. With a bit of preparation and a basic understanding of how your home furnace works, changing the filter will be easy. Consider the Furnace Filter Size You Require Turn off your home’s heat and locate your furnace filter. It’s typically located near the exterior of the furnace unit itself. Remove the current filter in place to read its label. This will allow you to find the...

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Should My Furnace Fan Continuously Run

January 4, 2020

As temperatures drop, you are likely wondering about the most efficient way to operate your home’s furnace. One of the most common questions our team at receives is whether it is okay to continuously leave the furnace in the “on” position. Keep reading to learn more about whether it is most efficient for you to allow your furnace to run continuously this winter. Are There Benefits to Running the Furnace Fan Continuously? You may find it especially beneficial to run your furnace fan continuously if you have a large or multi-story home. Because heat rises, the lower levels of your...

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Why You Should Consider a Geothermal System For Your Home

December 11, 2019

You no longer have to live in fear of the day each month when you receive your electricity bill. Consider installing a geothermal system to cut costs and help the environment. Here is a closer look at some of the top reasons to go geothermal. 1. It Cuts Your Electricity Bills While geothermal energy requires an up-front investment, you will start to realize savings practically immediately. You need to make sure that you have a system that is large enough to accommodate all of your electrical needs. Geothermal energy will not completely eliminate your heating bill, but it will make...

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What To Do If My Heating System Keeps Turning Off

November 7, 2019

has served Hayden and the surrounding areas with a broad range of heating services since 1942. One of the more frustrating problems for our clients is when their furnaces or other heating equipment turns off prematurely. If the heating equipment eventually turns back on, this is known as short-cycling. In some cases, homeowner intervention is required to re-initiate heating. Dirty Furnace Filter A dirty furnace filter is often the culprit, so check it first. If your filter has not been changed as needed, it will restrict air over the heat exchanger, which will then overheat. Upon detecting this excess heat,...

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5 Ways to Save Energy this Fall

October 15, 2019

The fall months get colder temperatures and less daylight. This means that you’re likely going to be turning on the furnace soon. However, there are plenty of ways to keep heating bills to a minimum this upcoming season. 1. Lower the Temperature When People Aren’t Home You can save up to 10% on heating costs by keeping the thermostat a few degrees cooler during the day when everyone is at work or school. You may also want to consider turning it down at night as it is easier to sleep in cooler conditions. 2. Make Sure the Home Is Properly...

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5 Benefits of Ductless Systems

September 10, 2019

Ductless systems offer you the ability to enjoy comfortable indoor temperatures even in spaces not originally designed with these capabilities. With the ability to install ductless units, the systems work well. Whether you are seeking heating and cooling solutions for your home, office, or commercial buildings, consider the benefits of ductless systems. 1. Cost Less to Install The unique design of a ductless system prevents the need for running costly ductwork throughout a building. This cuts down significantly on the installation costs for the heating and cooling units. You will also find that this prevents the likelihood that major issues...

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